Why does it always rain on a Saturday?? and why is it always when I am out and about in Paris?? one of the strange phenomena I'd say.
After spending an unforgettable days with my uncles in Paris (photos will be updated soon), I am back to being the poor student in Paris! I have to say the experience is quite liberating...
I met with one of my uncle's HR assistant in George V after a trip to Hediard just yesterday and she was explaining about the downturn effect of the economy. If a customer starts limiting themselves to indulgences and the many things of everyday necessities, then sooner or later it will become a habit and then it will be a part of their lives. One will live with less things and surrounds itself with only a few basic pieces. Now, I am not inclining that One should do that in time of crisis but as I live my life in Paris each day, supporting myself with the money I've saved last year and of course my parents are a call away if I need more money... I feel that it is a valuable lesson to stop spending for awhile and enjoy free things in life. Being in Paris helps a lot I guess...but to know that I can live my life as I am living now, and taking each day as it is...well that is invaluable.
and to quote from my uncle... "Well 20 years ago...while I was in Paris for three months...I did survived with only 4euros a day!" (the latter a quote I will one day say to my own family and friends...)
i consider fortunate for those who have gone thru living in a meagre, they r different as grown ups. You ll be diffferent when you come back, its not all there is to life,but another form of learning institution. its not an expirience you can buy for your children though, so cheers David..and to u Em. i know this is not new to you, but now you know how strong you are.
Em, you have learned one of the most fundamental rule of economics, that is wealth, and thus economic growth, is generated from savings. Because you have saved in the past, you can then spend your savings on other goods. This is the real economy, in contrast to what we have seen in recently, where instead of savings, credit is used to fuel growth. That results in malinvestments and eventually the collapse that we have seen so far. Hehe... for more economic lessons, visit Austria, or goto http://mises.org
Oh thank u j. I might take up ur advice on Austria. Lets check to see if there's any cheap tix available.
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