and a silky camel coloured scarf with a black mini prints of a horse and a cart...(i thought it'd be cool for my brother..he has this thing with mini printed scarfs lately)
Then I decided to check Marche aux puces at Porte de Montreuil on the east side border of Paris and so far since being in Paris, I've crossed out a few districts not for future living. And today Porte d Montreuil is added to the list. I'm not going to go into lengths as to why and so on, but lets just say personally its not for me. Very bland and very second hand...also there were a lot of cheap electronics and gadgetries....well I know where to buy my pots, pans, and home stuf next time when I decided to live here...very cheap. If you've been to Pasar Baru in Jakarta, then Porte d M is def like Pasar Baru in a grander scale...The Bad
Lastly it was Marche Saint Quen, by time I arrived at around 3pm, I was already slightly irritated (afternoon slug) and wishing I could sit and drink my coffee. So instead I got a cafe au lait..a emporter of course (to takeaway) in a clear plastic cup and went to one of the recommended 13 markets there. Which was Marche Vernaison. Yes it was like how the travel guides and any other articles described it...picture perfect, touristy, highly over-priced, and from my own experience; everything else that comes with being commercialised. I'm sorry if I'm being too harsh but being exposed to antiques and vintage goods since I was a teenager I know if things are good or bad. This is The Supposedly Good.

Em, u sure know d right stuff for a particular person! how thoughtful of you. d hummingbird brooch is definately me, as with d scarf that looks already like it belongs to Jason on his harley bike. tks Em!
Em, yen2 asked "how come she is not getting anything fr you yet? while her bday had just recently passed?" i told her i got a hummingbird brooch! ouch..me and my spontaneity..
oh well she can have the other bird pin then, the long peacock one. I knew I bought it for someone but I forgot who it was for, but I knew it will be handy.
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