I'm sure you have heard of the children's cartoon, Madeline. They showed the series a few years ago in Australia and I also watched it when I was in my teenage years in Indonesia. It is about a little girl orphaned and living in a orphan house in Paris with other children. I remember she has a friend named Pepito and they used to go doing their little adventures. Well today while passing Rue de Babylone at the 7 arrondissement I saw this white building that reminds me of the orphanage in the cartoon series, all white, with small wooden windows and a giant black door exactly how I would picture the building in my head all these years. The area of the 7th arrondissement is family-based oriented, everywhere I saw mothers with young children just finished with school and the sounds of little children crying out for their afternoon snacks.

I am basically by myself in Paris but I am not an orphan obviously, I am having my own adventures and I guess I am a little Madeline in the making, trying to find my own little mishaps and learn to be mature.

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